Frequently Asked Questions


Q. Are Snow Angels volunteers provided with snow clearing equipment?

A. No. Volunteers are required to have access to their own equipment. Snow clearing equipment may not be borrowed from the residents requiring snow clearing assistance.


Q. How old do I need to volunteer as a Snow Angel?

A. Volunteers in the program are required to be 18 years of age at the time of volunteering.


Q. Can I clear more than just the sidewalk?

A.We understand that its natural to want to help finish the job, but shoveling on private property is not permitted within the Snow Angel program.


Q. Can I accept compensation for being a Snow Angel?

A. Snow Angels is strictly a volunteer based program. No compensation is permitted in the program.


Q. Who do I email/call if I have more questions?

A. Please email, or call 204-728-2186




Q. Do I need access to email/internet to participate in the program?

A. Online registration is preferred. However, you can call 204-729-2186 to register via phone


Q. What can I do if my sidewalk is not cleared?

A. This is a volunteer based program, which does not guarantee snow removal will happen promptly, or even at all. If you are concerned you are not correctly registered in the program, please contact 204-729-2186


Q. Will the Snow Angels clear my walkway up to my house and steps?

A. The Snow Angel Program is intended for the clearing of municipal sidewalks, not personal property. Volunteers are instructed not to shovel snow on private property.


Q. Who do I email/call if I have more questions?

A. Please email, or call 204-729-2186